Much welcome to use and circulate the following results of the Synergy Audit Erasmus+ KA 2 Project (2019-2022) in an open access and free of charge circular manner. The results consist of a Synergy Audit Online Education (English, Finnish, Greek and Italian versions), Synergy Audit E-learning tool (English, Finnish, Greek, Italian and Swedish versions), Synergy Audit Methodology. For organisations in the start-up and management phase of EMS work (English version), Practical Implementation of Synergy Audit. A guidance for organisations with resource hindrances (English version), How to integrate Synergy Audit in a Small and Medium Enterprise? A guidance for SMEs (English version) and finally, a Synergy Audit Scholarly Article (English version).
See further information below about each of the results.

The Synergy Audit train-the-trainer education is a help in learning and thereafter teaching further knowledge about environmental management and internal environmental audits from a holistic and interdisciplinary perspective toward a multidisciplinary and global set of organisations. The train-the-trainer education is accessible in English, Finnish, Greek and Italian.
The Synergy Audit e-learning tool consist of two games in which you can learn more about how to perform internal environmental audits. The two games involve a scenario related toward audits in Small to Medium Enterprises and a scenario where the audit takes place in a municipality. Partner organisation CARDET have been elaborating on the digital shape of the two games which are accessible in English, Finnish, Greek, Italian and Swedish.

Synergy Audit Methodology. For organisations in the start-up and management phase of EMS work consist of an interdisciplinary guideline of usage for a multidisciplinary set of organisations worldwide. The guideline tries by combining theory and hands-on methodologies to give a holistic understanding about the necessity to work with EMS and audits for organisations. Therefore, it present information from a contemporary historical-, circular economic-, energy audit-, climate- and teaching pedagocics view beyond the more regular environmental management and environmental audits information.
We would very much like to see the Guideline as an open document for further possible development. Therefore, if you have suggestions please contact us.
Practical Implementation of Synergy Audit. A guidance for organisations with resource hindrances is a booklet which consist of ideas of how to bridge some of the more common resources hindrances for organisations when planning and starting up environmental management and environmental audits work in organisations.

How to integrate Synergy Audit in a Small and Medium Enterprise? A guidance for SMEs is a booklet which in a shortened shape of the above mentioned Synergy Audit Methodology tries to find ways of help for SMEs when initiating Synergy Audit methods in the environmental management and environmental audits work in the organisation.
The Synergy Audit Scholarly Article is in a draft stage and awaits acceptance from a scientific journal. When the article is published in an open access and free of charge manner it will be accessible on this page. For more information about the article please contact us.